PT Geowave Technology is awarded a new extension Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey contract from PT. Pratama Bersama, a subsidiary of PT. Borneo Olah Sarana Sukses, Tbk (BOSS Coal). The GPR survey will conduct in their coal mining area in Melak, East Kalimantan.

Geowave at a Glance
PT. Geowave Technology is a company established in 2009, we are a geoscience company that provide exploration services to the oil & gas company. We conduct seismic services, non-seismic services, marine seismic support, project management and many other services.
BOSS Coal at a Glance
PT. Borneo Olah Sarana Sukses, Tbk, is a coal mining company that holds mining licenses in four areas in East Kalimantan.