PT Geowave Technology is awarded a new marine seismic support contract from Elnusa, Tbk through its subsidiary PT. Elnusa Trans Samudera. We will provide 2 chase boat, Mitra Anugerah 26 and Mitra Anugerah 33 to work together with MV Elsa Regent in Natuna Area. This seismic survey has coverage around 400 SQKM .

Geowave at a Glance
PT. Geowave Technology is a company established in 2009, we are a geoscience company that provide exploration services to the oil & gas company. We conduct seismic data processing, seismic/geophysical survey, marine seismic support and many other services.
Elnusa at a Glance
PT Elnusa Tbk is an integrated energy services company, with core competencies in upstream oil and gas services such as seismic services (geoscience services: land, transition & marine zone and data processing), drilling & oilfield services drilling and maintenance services. Elnusa currently serves national and international oil and gas companies, including Pertamina Group, Total E & P Indonesie, Chevron and Vico Indonesia.