Geowave is a full-service geosciences company established in 2009. We offer a full range of exploration and production services to the global oil and gas industry. These include geophysical services, surface geochemical services, and project support services. These complementary product lines make it possible for the company to offer the oil and gas industry a full range of integrated seismic services.
Our geophysical services offer seismic design & modeling, seismic imaging, seismic reservoir, passive seismic, and non-seismic. Our hardware, software, and people resources provide the oil and gas industry with risk-reducing solutions to solve challenging in exploration and production problems. Our capabilities-coupled with our experience in marine, shallow water, transition zone, and land environment.
Our surface geochemical services offer geomicrobial hydrocarbon detection, geochemical hydrocarbon detection, and free soil gas. The use of surface geochemical methods is based on the concept that all petroleum accumulations suffer some leakage to shallower intervals and eventually to the surface.
To make sure your data acquisition project always in effective and efficient, and meet your project planning, we offer Quality Control in seismic acquisition and airborne geophysical acquisition. Our team will represent your company in the field and assist you to keep your acquisition and processing project always on the track.
Our Mission
- Geowave is a company of people gathered with the goal of being the industry’s premier provider of cost effective seismic services and geosciences solutions.
- We strive to deliver high quality services while maintaining a safe, enjoyable, and challenging workplace for our employees.
- We hold in highest regard the environment and societies in which we work.
- We are committed to provide excellence in all that we do and through this, create value for all our stakeholders.
Our Vision
Become a leading geosciences services player with regional operation to deliver time-critical, quality data at competitive prices.
Our History
Geowave strives for the safe operation of its office and other premises and the facilities which it operates and to promote an effective and proper understanding with all employees and contractors, on matters which relate to health, safety and the environment. All Geowave personnel are required to cooperate on all matters relating to health, safety and the environment and to take reasonable care to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions.
Geowave HSE objectives to:
- Maintain high standards for health, safety and the protection of the environment at its office and other premises;
- Communicate these standards to all Geowave personnel and external parties where necessary;
- Ensure that all Geowave personnel are given the necessary information, instruction and training to enable them to work in a safe manner.
Geowave HSE Policy to:
- Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;
- Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
- Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
- Ensure safe handling and use of substances;
- Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees;
- Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training;
- Prevent accidents and case of work-related ill health;
- Maintain safe and healthy conditions; and
- Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.